dyNAmic MEdia - MEDIA
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corpoREAL (exchange)
a collaborative exhibition
Huang Chih-Yang and Gerard Pas
Gerard PaS and Huang Chih-Yang 
Presented by CrossPathCulture, New York, U.S.A.
in association with White Box - The Annex, New York, U.S.A.

your ticket to see all the movies is by clicking on any image below
dyNAmic MEdia Aspects for corpoREAL exCHANGE
your ticket to see all the movies is by clicking on any image below
1. Media - html documentation and additional images

Below are a few examples of HTML image scroll over's and java scripted pages which not only convey other important facets this project but give a deeper insight into the making of the works seen in the exhibition.

Thank you from GerardPas.com and enjoy!
your ticket to see all the movies is by clicking on any image below

While developing strategies for their forthcoming collaboration, Huang Chih-Yang explains his studies and recordings of various germs and bacteria to Gerard on a terrace in Chelsea, New York City, October 13, 2001.
... scroll over the images to see other microorganisms ...

Click image to see Pas' Healing Forest
Sculptural Elements "out in the elements"
Gerard's maquette studies for his sculptures
as seen from the backyard of his studio in London

... please click on the image to open this page ...

NYC looking up the west side to mid-town from Chelsea.
Gerard created a special page of his photos and thoughts on being in New York City from the late summer of 2001 until 2002. During the attack on the World Trade Center. This photo is the view from his Chelsea studio during this time and also the location for the exhibition "corpoREAL exCHANGE".


Return to top of page return to the dynamic media lobby
see the animations
see the movies
see the concepts & drawings
see the installation of "the foREST"




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please click any of the above images to advance to that project

 © Gerard Pas