Storm over the Indian Ocean - photo montage  & watercolour effect by Gerard Pas © 2004.

Storm over the Indian Ocean - Durban, South Africa - © Gerard Pas 2001.

As the waves of despair
And inspiration
Form over the reef of gold
And crash on my feet
I look down to see
My own blood
Sucked back into the sea.
Maybe it was a crab or maybe a shark
Or maybe I carelessly cut my foot on a diamond.
I wonder
Whether I should tend to it, or
Whether I should have it tended to
But I am lost
In the middle of my thoughts
When I notice how completely
My blood disappears
Into the brine.
By Christopher Cooper Angell ©
Written in South Africa. 2002.

Christopher Cooper Angell - photo by Gerard Pas © 2003.

Christopher Cooper Angell in his Soho Manhattan apt., New York City. July 2003.


Chris Angell sent me this poem while he was working as the Executive Director of CrossPathCulture, South Africa. I first met Chris in New York City during the summer of 2000 where we quickly became friends after working on numerous Non-Profit based “Cultural Programs” with CrossPathCulture, New York. Chris and I traveled to South Africa together in 2001 just as he was setting out to work for CrossPathCulture in Johannesburg, SA: where he has lived until the end of 2003. Our friendship throughout these last years has broadened as we began to share our mutual thoughts on poetry, literature and art. Chris is an excellent “word smith” and I have a great deal of respect for his works of poetry of which I include this somber if not melancholic poem above.

Gerard Pas, April 2001

Read more of Christopher Cooper Angell's work at
To read another of Chris Angell's poems
please click on the above image

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 © Gerard Pas